ABDC Journal

Complete Reference to Trustworthy and High-Quality Publications in ABDC List of Journals

Our experienced team of researchers and editors is dedicated to assisting scholars and professionals in publishing their work in top ABDC List publications. We understand the problems of academic publishing and provide tailored assistance to guarantee your research meets the high criteria of top-tier ABDC List publications. Whether you want to publish in A, B, C, or D category journals, our professional services will help you elevate your research and maximise its effect. Delofe will help you navigate the difficulties of academic publication and achieve success on the highly renowned ABDC List.


  • ABDC Index offers a comprehensive list of reputable journals for academic and research professionals
  • Journals are categorised into four grades: A, B, C, and D, based on quality
  • This system helps scholars easily identify the best publication venues.
  • The platform is a valuable resource for finding journals that meet specific academic needs.
Is ABDC is better that scopus

Which is better?

To Select Reputable Journals:

If your primary concern is discovering trustworthy journals while avoiding predatory ones, the ABDC List may be more useful.

For Reference and Impact Analysis:

If you need to track citations, assess research impact, or discover a comprehensive list of indexed journals, Scopus is probably the best solution

In many cases, researchers use both tools in combination, depending on the stage of their study and publication process.
How do I publish a research paper in an ABDC index approved journal?

Before we begin the publication process, it's important to note that the ABDC Index is a platform that categorises journals based on specific criteria. It is not a journal. To publish your research, you must first locate an ABDC -indexed journal that is relevant to your research field.

Steps to Publish in an ABDC Indexed Journal

Identify a Suitable Journal

Prepare Your Manuscript

Submit Your Paper

Peer Review Process

Get Publication

My work on the research paper is completed. Could you assist me in getting it published in an ABDC -indexed journal?

Congratulations on completing your research paper! Absolutely, Your research will be greatly enhanced by publishing in an ABDC -indexed List, which places journals in the A*, A, B, and C categories. Your paper has satisfied demanding requirements if it gets published.

  • We'll identify the best ABDC -indexed journals for your paper based on its subject and quality
  • We'll prepare and format your manuscript to meet the journal's submission guidelines
  • We'll manage the submission process and journal correspondence to meet all requirements.
  • We'll review your paper to ensure it meets ABDC -indexed journal standards.
  • We provide ongoing support from submission to publication, handling any issues or revisions.
  • Publish Your Research Paper
Publish Your Works in a Short Amount of Time!

We Offer Quick Acceptance at a Lower Cost!

Both Paid And Free Journal Publications
No Cost Citation
Free Plagiarism Report from Turnitin with Free Edits
No Cost Title Page; No Cost Technical Talk
No-Cost Demo Sessions
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Could You Share the Updated ABDC Listed Journal in 2024?
Provide Research Domain & Topic:

Based on your domain and topic, I'll help identify suitable ABDC -indexed journals.

Customization Based on Needs:

I'll identify low-cost ABDC -indexed journals with rapid publication and specific impact factors.

Provide Research Domain & Topic:

Share your research domain and specific research topic.

Guidance on Journal Selection:

Free or paid ABDC -indexed journals
High-acceptance-rate journals

Can you assist me in writing a research paper that fulfils all of the requirements needed to be published in an ABDC journal?

Yes, the experienced and skilled writers at Delofe will produce top-notch research papers for you that precisely follow ABDC standards and have formatting that is ideal for publishing in an ABDC journal.

Download the list of ABDC journals 2024 for all academics. areas. You can also get a list of paid, free, and low-cost ABDC journals. Get your fast-publishing ABDC -indexed journals 2024 list and more information by calling our representatives quickly at +91 1234567890

DELOFE, Your Trusted PhD Research Partner

PhD research might be intimidating, but with DELOFE on your side, you are not alone. Our devoted team is ready to assist you achieve your academic goals.
Our all-inclusive ASSISTANCE include:

Expert Research Paper Guidance: We will guide you through the entire process, from the initial concept to the final publication, to ensure t q

Strategic publication Selection: We use our extensive knowledge of academic publishing to help you pick the best publication for your breakthrough study.

Efficient Manuscript Preparation: We concentrate on producing high-quality papers that adhere to ABDC requirements, accelerating your journey to publication.

Detailed Support: Aside from writing, we offer extensive editing, plagiarism checks, and professional assistance to improve your chances of getting published.

Also Asked by Research Scholars

Publishing in ABDC-indexed journals enhances the visibility and impact of your research, providing recognition in the academic community and increasing the credibility of your work.

Before submitting, ensure your research meets the journal's standards for originality and rigour. Familiarise yourself with the specific formatting and submission guidelines provided by the journal

The publication timeline can vary but typically ranges from a few months to over a year, depending on the journal's review and editorial processes.

Delofe offers end-to-end support, including expert guidance on selecting the right ABDC journal, assisting with manuscript preparation, providing editing services, and managing the submission process to meet all ABDC requirements.

Yes, you can select the journal category (A, B, C) based on your research’s scope and quality. It’s important to match your paper with the journal’s category to increase the likelihood of acceptance.

ABDC journals cover a wide array of disciplines including business, economics, management, finance, and marketing, among others.

To get assistance, you can contact Delofe through our website, email, or phone. Our team will be happy to help with your ABDC journal publication needs.

Delofe charges for ABDC journal publication services, with fees varying based on the level of assistance needed. For detailed information on pricing, please reach out to us directly.

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